Medicine Alumni Society Board of Advisors
Faculty Physician
Genesis Family Practice, Davenport, Iowa
Being in a dual physician family can be tough at times, especially during residency. Take time to meet with your spouse, even for a few minutes. Don't worry about whether the lawn needs to be mowed; worry about seeing and being with each other since you don't get that opportunity very often."
Being a physician can be stressful, tiring and very difficult at times. Imagine taking that times two. That's what life has been like for Viviana Martinez-Bianchi, whose husband, Greg, is also a University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine graduate who completed his residency in urology here as well.
"Being in a dual physician family can be tough at times, especially during residency. Take time to meet with your spouse, even for a few minutes. Don't worry about whether the lawn needs mowed; worry about seeing and being with each other since you don't get that opportunity very often."
To add to the stress, Martinez-Bianchi and her husband recently welcomed a baby boy into their lives. Although their situation can be tough at times, they both feel that they made a good decision by waiting to start their family.
"You never realize how wonderful and how difficult it is to raise a child until you have one. There are still time constraints, however, there would have been even more if either or both of us were still doing our residency training."
Although busy with motherhood and her career as a Family Practice physician, Martinez-Bianchi still finds time to participate in the UI Carver College of Medicine's Alumni Society Board of Advisors and give back to the College. In years past, she was also a community-based faculty member, an experience in which she learned a lot.
"I really enjoyed teaching students and found that I learned probably as much from them as they did from me. There was always a challenge; these students were always challenging me."
She gives back her knowledge to the College and encourages all alumni to give back, whether it's through their knowledge, time or money.
"The more we give back, the more we get out. If you feel like you missed or were lacking something in your education, then now is the time to give it back in whatever way is most comfortable, whether it be time or money."
Martinez-Bianchi knows that students of the UI Carver College of Medicine will not only benefit from an excellent education and learning environment. They will also see the opportunities and chances that the state can offer as well.
"Iowans are good people. I was a minority and always felt very comfortable here. Not only will you receive excellent training and education here, but you will also always feel welcome and respected."