Established in 1998, the UI Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine Distinguished Alumni Award is the highest honor the college bestows upon its graduates.
Throughout the country and world, our alumni are changing medicine and changing lives through innovations in health care delivery, medical education, biomedical research, and service to their communities. Each year, a select group of these outstanding individuals are honored for their achievements with Distinguished Alumni Awards.
All living graduates of the Carver College of Medicine’s medical education, residency and fellowship training, and associated medical sciences and basic science programs are eligible. The selection committee is dedicated to ensuring the pool of nominations is diverse within the areas of ethnicity, gender, and academic/professional disciplines. Our elite group of past awardees includes graduates from all areas of the college's educational enterprise.
Award Categories
- The Award for Achievement is granted for significant professional accomplishments in science, medicine, and/or education.
- The Award for Service is granted for meritorious leadership and service in a professional capacity or in the broader community.
- The Award for Early Career Achievement is granted to graduates of the past 20 years who have achieved early distinction in their field.
- The Award for Friendship is granted to individuals who are not alumni in recognition of support for and dedication to the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine and its missions of education, research, and service.
The awards committee reserves the right to reassign categories of nomination if deemed applicable.
Accepting nominations for 2026 cycle
Do you know an alum who deserves recognition for their outstanding contributions to the field of medicine?
Nomination Requirements
Anyone may submit a nomination on behalf of an alum of the college. Though submissions are always open, nominations must be received by January 15 to be considered for that year's awards cycle. Nominators submit the following documentation via web form:
- A nomination letter that indicates which category of award the candidate is nominated for and establishes their qualifications with clear and concise detail
- The candidate's CV or professional résumé, including a current mailing address and email address
- At least three supporting letters of nomination from other individuals known to the candidate
- Any additional information that would support the nomination
Contact Us
UI Health Care Marketing and Communications - HSSB
Ste. 209, c/o Molly Monk
3281 Ridgeway Drive
Coralville, Iowa 52241